Fierce Tweef: Kenyans And Nigerians Tear Each Other Apart… Fight Turns Ugly As The West Africans Fail To Concede Defeat (Hilarious Memes)

Kenyans are Nigerians have once again been exchanging fire and this time round Tecno’s dopest karaoke competition was the reason why the West and the East Africans locked horns.

The #TECNO OwnTheStage hash tag has been trending for quite a while now on Twitter, and continues to trend, following the onstage exploits of the contestants on Africa’s premier karaoke TV contest.

Last Sunday, however, Twitter went gaga with the introduction of two additional hash tags – #KenyansOwnTheStage and #NigeriansOwnTheStage – at around the same time two of the frontrunners for the competition’s $25,000 star prize were battling it out on stage.

The showdown between our darling Pascal and the Nigerian Shaapera was the highpoint of last weekend’s episode of TECNO Own The Stage as both contestants practically brought the house down with their superb rendition of Nico and Vinz’s 2013 award-winning hit, ‘Am I Wrong’.

No one expected anything less from both contestants, in particular the show’s judges – our own Bien and the Nigerian pair of M.I. and Yemi Alade – who ran out of superlatives during their appraisal of the two contestants.

And with a few more weeks to go before the five contestants left on the show get trimmed down to two, M.I. even went as far as predicting that Pascal and Shaapera might likely end up competing in the grand finale; a statement concurred by Bien and Yemi.

It was actually a close contest between Pascal and Shaapera but our boy, expectedly, performed better than the Nigerian as confirmed by all three judges.

You can follow this link to watch the video:

But trust Nigerians, they took to Twitter claiming their representative had performed better than Pascal with the hash tag #NigeriansOwnTheStage. This was regardless of the fact that of the six contestants at the start of last Sunday’s show four were Kenyans and only one a Nigerian, with the sixth coming from Tanzania.

Unfortunately, by the end of the show one of our own, Mary was sent packing. But this did not in any way deter Nigerians from claiming their only surviving representative was better than Pascal and our two other representatives, Ramar254 and Sikin.

Yemi, who did not show any bias towards Shaapera in picking Pascal as the winner of their showdown, subsequently displayed the Nigerian in her with a tweet directed at Bien stating that she loved every single contestant on the show but that Bien has got to “agree that #NigeriansOwnTheStage.

Trust Bien, he did not turn the other cheek as he aptly replied: “Hehe not a chance! #KenyansOwnTheStage.

He wasn’t the only one to take a swipe at Yemi’s tweet as the official Twitter handle of concurred with Bien; a move that prompted a reaction from the show’s host, VimbaiMutinhiri.


It was just one of the numerous reactions from our social media savvy countrymen and women as Kenyans practically took Nigerians to the cleaners with a number of ingenious posts.

And when the Nigerian music sensation, Burna Boy, attempted to save his country’s hurt pride with a tweet of his own, Anto Neo Soul showed just how bad Kenyans can be when the need arises.

It was just one of the numerous tweets posted by the Kenyan singing sensation, who is also a mentor on TECNO Own The Stage, as he almost singlehandedly dealt with Nigerians on Twitter and confirmed why Kenyans owned the stage.





Here are a few more tweets:

If only a small amount of Kenyans could send Nigerians scampering for cover on Twitter imagine what might had transpired if the full force of KOT had been unleashed.

But with Pascal and Shaapera expected to continue their battle for supremacy this weekend when episode 10 of TECNO Own The Stage goes on air, expect the fight to continue as Nigerians attempt to reclaim some lost pride.

Speaking of episode 10, sources say “there may just be something bigger than a battle of nations coming our way.”

Don’t miss it this Sunday on Africa Magic Showcase. You can also follow TECNO Own The Stage’s social media accounts on:

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About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere