Tuesday Accident Puts Citizen TV’s Willis Raburu Out Of Work… He Will now be Moving Around in Crutches To Move Around (Photo)

The Citizen TV 1 O’clock news anchor is resting at home after he was involved in an accident that took its toll on his left leg.

The ever jovial Willis Raburu is struggling with intense pain after he accidentally dislocated his knee cap on the left leg.

Willis says he will be out of work for a while as he undergoes physiotherapy. He now uses crutches to move around.

The big man however didn’t reveal how exactly he hurt his knee. Willis was alerting his fans about his brief absence from TV going on to urge them to catch up with him online.

“Hey people, so yesterday i dislocated my knee cap, that was a new level of pain…If it wasn’t for my work mates and friends though i don’t think i would have made it thru the day jana. So now I’m on knee brace and crutches as i undergo some physiotherapy, ill be out of work for a while but will be back! Meanwhile keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Let’s keep talking online”


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere