Of Course Only A Luo Man Could Pull This Off With Any Chance Of Success…Adele Luo Version (Video)

Yeah, I too am bored with the whole Adele covers charade. However, it seems right now it is the standard for anyone who wants to gauge their singing prowess.

Many are annoyingly irritating, others are well up to the standards like Dela’s swahili cover and other, like this by Ajo Mbuta, are pretty interesting. This is a rendition of the original song with the Swahili and Luo along the original English lyrics.

Well, the English version is shaky…but if you can persevere, then you will get to the Luo chorus and this is the joy of the song. There is something tuneful about Luo language that makes it awesome in songs.

Listen to the cover below and decide if you fancy it;


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu