This Is The Crazy Drama That Drunk Rapper CMB Prezzo Caused While Being Chased From KTN Studios

CMB Prezzo hogged all the limelight over the weekend with his antics at the interview.

Whether he was drunk or not is quite debatable but at least he was not sober. His drama however, did not end at the studio. As he was being led out of the studio following his unbecoming manners, the showbiz maestro declined to follow the set down procedures of checking out for him and his crew.

He and his crew refused to alight from their vehicle and instead the rapper flashed out his gun and brandished it at the security officers who had to fall back.

It sure seems to be a year of more drama and the King of bling sure knows how to time and pull off such publicity stunts, only this one was in pretty bad taste. and it adds to the numerous number of times he has flashed his gun in public.

Source: SDE

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu