The Fiercest Confrontation Ever! Kenyans Face Off With Nigerians Once Again In Vicious Battle
Just slightly over two months after KOT (Kenyans On Twitter) dealt with Nigerians the stage looks set for more Kenyan domination of the so-called ‘Giant of Africa’, this time on the karaoke contest, TECNO Own The Stage.
The show is the reason why the hash tag #TECNOOwnTheStage has been trending for some weeks now.
For those who don’t know, TECNO Own The Stage is Africa’s first televised karaoke competition. It is currently taking place in Nigeria and the eventual winner of the contest will head home with $25,000.
Twenty-five thousand dollars (which is about KES2.5million) is a lot of money but it doesn’t end there as the winner will also get to record asong with one of the show’s mentors or judges, which include our own Bien and Anto Neo Soul, and get to go on tour with the superstar.
From the looks of it, one of our own will be returning home with the star prize as out of the six contestants left four are Kenyans.
The show started out a few weeks ago with 15 contestants, including five from our beautiful country. There were also five contestants respectively from Tanzania and Nigeria.
But after eight episodes,of the nine contestants evicted from the show so far, only one has been a Kenyan. And even he (Yubu) was only evicted in last Sunday’s episode.
In fact Pascal, Mary, Sikin and Ramar254 have shown the rest of Africa that not only are we the continent’s number one when it comes to athletics and battling anyone on Twitter, but that we are also the best as far as karaoke contests are concerned.
So there is no better time than now for KOT to unsheathe their swords and take to the social media platform to show their support for our representatives as this weekend’s episode will see our dear Pascal going head-to-head with the only Nigerian remaining in the contest, Shaapera.
There is a reason why Shaapera is the only Nigerian left in the show, and it is not because the judges want someone from the host country left in the contest. She is very good and has been churning out brilliant performances since the show’s commencement.
so also has our darling Pascal and with the loser of the battle likely to head homeat the end of the show now is the time for Kenyans, especially KOT, to show their support for our four representatives in order to ensure that we don’t lose out to this Nigerian (or the equally impressive Nandy from Tanzania) and return home with the star prize.
So let’s bring out our smartphones, tablets and laptops and take to Twitter with the hash tag #TECNOOwnTheStage and show the rest of Africa why Kenyans are number one in everything!
Let’s go KOT!