Coldhearted Njoki Chege Hammers The Last Nail On ‘Billionaire’ Steve Mbogo’s Coffin. See What She Did

“You do not need to be an FBI analyst to see through his fakeness and see him for the broke, struggling young man that he really is. To claim that Steve Mbogo is a hardworking young man is to defile the true meaning and spirit of word ‘hard work’. To say that Steve Mbogo is a successful young man is to insult all the successful people in this country, I included.” Njoki Chege’s corrosive words on Steve Mbogo.

A lot has been said about ‘billionaire’ Steve Mbogo ever since his bio and the truth turned out to be COMPLETELY disconnected from each other.

Everybody allover sudden seems to be throwing major shade at the wannabe billionaire. But the trolls weren’t complete without the input of the goddess of meanness.

Njoke Chege has finally fired salvos at Steve Mbogo; what a way to hammer the last nail on the fake billionaire’s coffin??

The words she chose to attack Steve Mbogo with am sure the ‘billionaire’ would need the help of Oxford dictionary to assist him comprehend Njoki’s itchy insults.

“He may be a pretty boy, but he doesn’t fool me like he did the rest of you. Steve Mbogo is nothing more than a crossbreed of a fake wannabe with rudimentary grasp of English. His speech is incoherent, probably because he thinks first in his mother tongue and then translates those thoughts into poorly constructed English sentences.”

But Njoki Chege did not only fry Mbogo’s behind, she also went HAM on the media; radio and TV stations that kissed Steve Mbogo’s ass clean.

“The worst bit, and this is where my story begins, is that local radio and television stations have taken his bait and are inviting him to their morning talk shows to give tips on entrepreneurship and wealth creation.

I always knew radio decision makers were never the smartest tools in the box, but this is a new low. To promote falsehoods and heresies by a deluded loser is the epitome of failure and a classic case of ‘how not to do media’.

It is disgusting that morning television shows would invite this chap to waste precious airtime justifying why he cannot pronounce the word ‘Grand Prix’ properly. It is absolutely ridiculous that editors would waste newsroom resources to send reporters and cameramen to meet this deluded loser at the airport coming from Abu Dhabi.”

Credit: Daily Nation

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere