Size 8 Shows Her Baby’s Face (Photos)

Some three weeks ago, popular celebrity couple, DJ Mo and Size 8, welcomed a bundle of joy. The baby’s face wasn’t made public till recently.

Size 8 and DJ Mo decided to emulate what Diamond and his wife beautiful Zari with their daughter, Tiffah .

The Kenyan celebrity couple decided to hide their baby’s face from the public sparking curiosity among their fans.

Even though Baby Ladasha Belle Wambo has an instagram account with over 8000 followers, not many knew how she looked like.

But the parents have since decided to unveil the little one’s face. I can’t really say who she took after, Ladasha’s face is yet to mirror either of her parents. (She still has the typical face of little angels.)




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere