Strange World: 53-Year-Old Pastor Arrested For Smashing And Impregnating These 20 Women And Their Daughters… Claims god Commanded Him (Photos)

The sickening man of cloth claims the holy spirit has consecrated him to have sex with women in his church. And he has slept with both married and single women plus their daughters.

53-year-old Pastor Timothy Ngwu of Vineyard Ministry of the Holy Trinity, has been having a leeway smashing female faithful in his church.

The Pastor impregnated and sired children with both married women and young girls as he executed the holy spirit’s command.

A number of the married woman left their husbands to live with the pastor after he commanded them to do so claiming it was a direct order from above.

Tired of his philandering ways, Pastor Timothy’s wife sold him out to the cops. The wife says she was sick of her compound being filled with children of all sex that her husband had fathered.

At the time of his arrest, a total of 20 women and their daughter were pregnant with Pastor Timothy’s unborn babies.

The incident happened last March in Nigeria; today being Throwback Thursday we decided to resuscitate the story.

See Pastor Timothy’s  and the victims of his adultery below:





About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere