Uhuru’s 43 Foreign Trips In 2 Years Vs Kibaki’s 33 In 10 Years!! This Is President’s Justification For Travelling Abroad Every Now And Then

President Uhuru Kenyatta is halfway through his 5 year term and he has already made 10 more foreign trips than his predecessor who was in office for 10 long years.

Uhuru’s numerous foreign trips have started to bother Kenyans especially when the trips are broken down to figures which translates to billions of shillings drawn from taxpayers’ pockets.

Anyway, the foreign trips by the head of state weren’t for PR nor were they unnecessary as most of us were meant to believe earlier.

A press brief by State House spokesperson, Manoah Esipisu, highlighted what President Uhuru achieved during his trip to Malta, France and South Africa.

In Malta, Uhuru was able to called upon Commonwealth Heads of Governments to form a unified front to fight against radicalization, violent extremism and terrorism.

In France, Baba Ngina facilitated Kenya to ink a $200 million deal with the World Bank for the supply of clean water to the long-suffering residents of Mombasa.

In South Africa, the head of state secured a number of deals during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

The yummiest deal Uhuru brought Kenyans was a Kes 150 billion cash advance loan meant for the extension of the standard gauge railway from Nairobi to Naivasha. Others include a grant for 1,000 Kenyan students to pursue university education in China.

Was Uhuru’s foreign trips worth it?? You be the judge, meanwhile check out Manoah Esipisu’s breakdown of Uhuru’s trip to Malta, France and South Africa on the link below:

Uhuru’s Foreign Trips

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere