Unbelievable! This Is What Bahati Gave A Poor Blind Artist After He Asked Him For Money To Start A Small Business To Support His Life

“Painful. Not many days ago I received a heart breaking call from Denno; not to say hi or talk about music but requesting if am in a position to help start a small business so as to support his life for now.” Bahati narrated the plight of a blind gospel singer.

Bahati could be in his early 20s but he possesses the wisdom of a wise elder who has seen all the good and the worst there is on our dear planet.

Ever heard of the proverb; ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’?

Gospel singer Denno (who sang alongside Daddy Owen in the hit ‘Mbona’), approached Bahati for financial help to assist him ‘survive’ for a while. Knowing very well Denno is a talented singer, Bahati opted to help him in a different way so that he couldn’t waste his talent.

The young singer decided to do a collaboration with Denno saying it was the best idea he thought could help him.

“And the best business that I thought could help him best is doing a Collabo Song with him.” Said Bahati.

The two artists dropped a song dubbed ‘Story Yangu’. Watch it below:

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere