Another Kikuyu Man Caught With Kilos Of Stolen Meat Strapped On His Body In South Africa (Photos)

Alex Njuguna is the subject of discussion on social media after news about his theft in a South African meat processing factory were made public.

Just earlier today, we heard about another Kenyan man topping the list of most wanted criminals in the UK.

See Also: Kikuyu Man On Top Of The List Of Crime Watch In The UK

Mr. Alex who works in a meat processing company, was caught with kilos of stolen meat strapped on his body while walking out of work.

Johannesburg Metro Police head Chris Ngcobo says security guards at the company noticed Alex’s odd walking style and decided to inquire why he had changed his style of walking.

A frightened Alex tried to take off but when the guards saw chunks of meat dropping from his body, they chased after him and apprehended him.

Chunks of meat were found stashed in his cap, underwear, trousers, pockets and some even wrapped on plastic bags and strapped on his body.


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Martin Oduor

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