“#SIJAKUSAHAU”,So Moving Tribute To E-Sir & Fidel Odinga You Will Shed a Tear

It has been the song with most hype from last week, so the expectations were high. The coming together of DJ Crème, AY, CMB Prezzo, Ulopa and Big Pin was bound to get tongues talking, and I can tell you it was worth the effort.

This was not a club banger, not a song for the mind but the heart. It was a dedication to brothers and sisters gone before. A song to express both sorrow and hope, to tell yourself and fellow bereaved fellows you still have them. This was a mourning song as well as a celebration of bright lives gone too soon.

Therefore, it is deep and emotional. No one held back, Epic nation did a wonderful job with the beat arrangement, nothing slow to make it a dirge and kill the spirit but just slow enough to flow with the emotions. The chorus by Ulopa is spot on and engaging, riding the loss feeling through falling in the loss and rising with hope.

Big pin attacks the first verse and strikes a common thread with his reminiscence of E-Sir. His fast tempo gets the life and spirit in the song before Prezzo’s dialogue style thrusts you deep into the heart and spirit of the song. AY brings you home drenched but hopeful before you wind up with Ulopa, and man it is a journey.

If you feel nostalgic about moments spent with someone long gone this is it. It is a another ballad to add in your collection, and worth the effort and hype. If you won’t shed a tear, you will share the emotion. A definite hit regardless of the airplay it will receive, Eagerly waiting for the video.

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu