No More ‘Lullabies’ Avril Makes The Step Up In New Song ‘No Stress’ (Video)

Last time Avril did a song with a celebrated Tanzanian artiste, she attracted a fair share of critics and up coming rapper Noti Flow even penned a bare-knuckled letter to her.

Well, Avril gave no hoots about it, sang and danced her way to our hearts and we loved her and anything she fed in out throats. Not this time round. This time, she is not crying out for love in those long tried and tired ballad hits, instead she opts for something new. With a beat arrangement that you would expect form a Just  A Band song, an all dreamy and cloudy affair.

She takes it quite in her stride improving on her lyrical content for one and getting an artist who can add more depth to her song. AY lines add a more serious and level edge to the song that up to that point is a bit airy and feel good.

The video is simple and straight to the point matching the theme and as usual Avril always has something from her awesome body to go around for the fans. A definite fit for a playlist when cruising or a backdrop when in that feel good mood around the house. Great song here is the video


About this writer:

Liatema Munyu