Robert F**ckin Alai,Miss Caroline Mutoko Did Not Deserve The Vaginal Insults You Made At Her. Neither Did Her Innocent Kid. Crass!

Trust certified picaroon Robert Alai to tear down with the intellectual level of a dead ass imbecile. When he goes for the jugular,it’s R. I. P to the poor jugular. His attacks,though sometimes informed,and oh so called for,can be startlingly cheap,mean,crass and downright intrusive. Even inhuman. But does he have a leash? Of course NO!

And after many months of what would pass for diplomatic wars,and sincere observations,stippled with the usual innuendo that Robert is (in)famous for dishing out,the man is back. And not even in a good way.

Yesterday,out of the good old blue,Mr. Alai took to Facebook to expend his frustrations on a topic quite dear to his heart.. But nevertheless,an issue he’d have so easily avoided given that we not only live in a free world,one which you can freely dish out your opinion but also that he was NOT himself mentioned by Caroline Mutoko in her article questioning Raila Odinga’s competence to lead this Nation.

As if,by the way,Raila and his bunch of talky power mongers can even lead a nation. Leave alone this one.

But in classic Alai fashion,Caroline Mutoko,a mother,veteran-and qualified-media personality and also mentor and inspiration to millions of African girls,was thrown under the bus. In a manner so archaic,so savage,so derogatory,so demeaning,I’m still reeling in shock.


Instead of issuing a clean (who am I kidding),well thought-out,sober and factual reply to Miss Mutoko,Alai decided to trash her whole article,trash her personal sentiments by bringing up not just her bedroom business but also suggesting that Caroline slept her way to the top. And also making allegations that she even stole her own adopted child,Nduku.

All that because Miss Mutoko questioned Raila’s ability to lead. And deliver. Just that.

Alai accused Caroline Mutoko of going ad hominem,forgetting that he himself went beneath that,his argument was itself not just the trashiest but it lacked any manner of sense,rationale or even conviction.

Alai,offended that his political god and the wizard of masses Raila Odinga had been talked of in less than savory terms,even went ahead and dragged little Nduku (Mutuko’s daughter) into his hate-filled,driveling banality.

In a bid to protect Raila,a perennial Presidential loser and a clear political hype man,Alai forgot that he has a daughter himself. Never mind that you don’t want to look at her twice.

And to clearly understand why Alai had,in street parlance,’caught so much feelings ‘,I rushed to read The Star column for myself. Just to see and read just what had tipped Alai so much. Surprise surprise! Nothing at all.

Mutoko’s article was a sweet,passionate call,a dear prayer,a deep lamentation,a wailing call and a yearning prayer. Never once was Caroline rude or abusive or senseless or as stupidly combative as Alai has been.

And yet,after daring question Raila’s ability to lead and provide us with a better solution than the bungled mess that Jubilee has plunged us into,Alai took it as a personal challenge. And wasted no time in letting the savagery in him show.

Attacking Mutoko in that manner is not just unbelievably childish but also utterly stupid and also warranting of a law suit on the grounds of libel.

Robert Alai,instead of blowing up on a columnist,dragging her name through mud and even making allegations I am sure YOU CAN NOT prove in a Court of Law,You should have taken that opportunity to PROVE to us just why,the megalomaniac Raila Odinga can be president. Or explain to us just how even,in the first place,he is electable.

Instead,you took the dirty road,let out the monster in you and convinced us,yet again,why the majority of Raila fanatics are WHAT is wrong with this Country.

Raila himself should be utterly ashamed of quasi-possessed supporters like you who,in a bid to make him electable,opt to issuing threats and reducing themselves to the lowest forms of humanity.

I do NOT know Caroline Mutoko well. But I do believe that a woman of her stature DOES deserve respect and honor for all of her efforts in media for decades.

You cannot bulldoze your silly way around people with your half-baked analogies,trashy opinions,wicked world view,bloated ego,rotten soul and putrescent brains just because they don’t support the man you would kill to see elected.

Stupidity never earned anyone votes.

Yesterday was a truly truly low moment. For mothers,daughters,women and the whole female population in the workplace. Even by Alai’s really low standards.

You cannot accuse (wrongly) someone of ‘insults and personal attacks devoid of facts, figures and evidence’ and proceed to apply the very same rationale in YOUR rejoinder. You did the same thing you accused Caroline of,which is using a very heavy and gauche dose of ‘insults and personal attacks devoid of facts, figures and evidence…’

But for a (sad) man who relishes law suits,lives to offend,eroticizes slander and basks in the glory of utter infamy,I wasn’t too shocked.

Lunacy will never wipe away facts. Neither will illiterate barks and attention-seeking juvenile attacks.

Growing old is one thing. Growing up is another.

Oh,the rubbish we follow on social media.

For a 60 year old man,Alai should know better. Or grow up already. Jeez!

About this writer:

Cabu Gah