Maid Burnt With Hot Water On Her Private Parts After The Boss Lady Found Her In Bed With Her Husband (Graphic Photos)

She swung into her bedroom only to find her husband at the heat of the action with her maid. And how did she punish the house help? Hot water on her punani.

The house help in question is an innocent Kenyan lady who worked in Saudi Arabia at the time of the incident.

The compatriot worked for a Saudi couple who was very brutal to her. Rose just like any other desperate Kenyan looking for greener pastures was lured to the Middle East with the promise of a high paying job.

She landed a Job but her employers made her work harder than a Palestinian donkey. Rose’s boss was salivating after her and he used intimidation to get her to bed.

The Saudi man repeatedly bedded her without the wife knowing but that fateful day, they were busted and the Kenyan lady was made to pay dearly.

The Saudi woman walked into her bedroom only to find her hubby at the height of deriving sensual pleasure from the poor Kenyan.

Apparently the Saudi woman had gotten wind of her husband’s extramarital affair with Rose so she walked into her bedroom armed and ready to inflict damage on the Kenyan lady.

She was armed with hot water in the jag and immediately she busted the two, the cheating hubby left Rose to face the music on her own.

She asked her to open her cookie jar not for a drill but to pour the hot water in it. Rose was badly burnt as the boiling water spread to her back.

The incident happened last April and it was highlighted by other Kenyans leaving in Saudi Arabia.

Go to the next page to see photos and listen to audio clip of another Kenyan lady narrating Rose’s ordeal;





About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere