Check Out The Risky Fashion Statement Sarah Hassan Made When She Wore A Dress That Threatened To Allow Her Bossom To Spill Out (PHOTO)

It takes a very daring fashionista to wear a dress like this and even then, you still cannot exorcise the demons of fear from your mind. Fear that your dress might let you down and spill out your unmentionables. Fear that your tailor might have let you down on that one stitch that proves very crucial.


Fortunately or unfortunately the dress held it’s own so we were not treated to a fashion disaster of epic proportions. By now you know what I was rooting for to happen -the dress to stay in one solid piece.

Why do I love the fact that she takes fashion risks? Because this is how to elevate the Kenyan fashion game. Other than Lupita Nyong’o, I feel she is one of the most fashionable Kenyan celebrity if not the ultimate when it comes to fashion.
Check her out below in the dress in question:







Ai caramba! Muay caliente!


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)