Top 5 Dumbest Things Said By Kenyan Politicians In Public
Some politicians are known to have verbal diarrhea, a condition that has seen them utter words that a normal person would need a psychologist’s help to understand why they have loose tongues.
Their statements attracted the attention of the whole nation. And news outlets couldn’t stop running a story or two about them for subsequent days.
Am talking about infamous statement made by politicians. Today being throwback Thursday (TBT), we illuminate some of the dumbest things said by Kenya’s ruling class.
Top of the list is Sonko calling Caroline Mutoko big names I don’t want to mention. The former Kiss FM presenter had called the Nairobi Governor on radio before Sonko went up in flames and started hurling itchy words.
(Don’t worry, you will listen to Sonko’s words in the audio below)
Number two is still Sonko settling scores with Governor Kidero in public, the way primary kids do. The Nairobi Senator was addressing Gikomba traders when all over sudden he turned to Kidero and stripped him.
Number three is one Ferdinand Waititu. Baba Yao decided to chase away members of Maasai community from Kayole in a speech he made while addressing residents.
Number four is the troublemaker, Moses Kuria. His words are still fresh in our minds. “Slash anyone who opposes NYS project” quote and quote.
The last culprit is Johnstone Muthama. The Machakos Senator defecated on the Presidency by telling a crowd at Uhuru Park the head of State was smashing the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution simply because he couldn’t sack her despite the corruption allegations that she was linked to.
Listen to the speeches made by these politicians on the audio below;