Attention: Here Is An Eye Candy! Booty For Days, Thighs For Weeks And A Face For Years! (photos)

Attention: Here Is An Eye Candy! Booty For Days, Thighs For Weeks And A Face For Years!-Is that a real thing that people say though? We are not sure. It however  served the purpose of bringing you here and that is kind of a big deal to me. Well, do you know what the spider said to the fly?  Welcome to my lair fly… 

 Neomi Wambui is a household name, much like royco, but unlike royco she is the is the mother of all Plus size models. The completely curvy and generously endowed eye candy! You remember Evalyne Warurugu? My curvy friend that had you tripping on your feet and drooling like a ptyalism case? She is friends with Neomi, actually they are more of work mates at Curvy Nation. A walk-in sort of meet where all the curvy ladies meet and talk about issues while charting the way forward  on how to straighten life’s curves.

Well Naomi is proudly plus size, she insists that plus size doesn’t mean “fat” , it is not an excuse for fat junkies, Plus size per se, is a sacred tag for all those women who are genetically endowed, women who can stand up and talk about legs, thighs and …. booty, not just any booty but spectacular booty. 

Enough of the banter. Here, knock yourselves out with these. IMG-20150422-WA0030.jpg





About this writer:

T. Magu