Heartbreaking: Sleekstyle Model Passes On.
Before her demise last night, the girl we loved to call Portia, alluding to Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice was a model with Sleek Style modelling Agency a premium modelling savoirfaire that she signed up for in 2013. Portia passed on last night after being Ill for a while.
Portia, (Amanda Kitonny to many) was a student at the University of Nairobi where she was pursuing International relations and diplomacy. She was to be found in almost all big modelling photo shoots where she dazzled many with her grace, elegance and ability to keep a company of sun-burnt models happy and engaged.
I had a chance to work with her on a project I was part of in July last year. It was fun, productive and shall go down as one of the major highlights that made Sleekstyle the Agency that it is today. I was glad to be part of her journey through life.
The world has lost a top model of renown, her family has lost a sister whose smile lit the world everyday, Sleek has lost a friend, a partner and a motivator.
Till we meet again Portia, in the words of Gaius Catallus:
By ways remote and distant waters sped,
Sister, to thy sad grave-side am I come,
That I may give the last gifts to the dead,
And vainly parley with thine ashes dumb:
Since he who now bestows and now denies
Hath taken thee, hapless Sister, from mine eyes.
But lo! these gifts, the heirlooms of past years,
Are made sad things to grace thy coffin shell,
Take them,all drenchèd with a brother’s tears,
And, Sister , for all time, hail and farewell!
On behalf of Ghafla and Sleek. We pray that your family finds solace at this trying time. Rest In Peace.
Below are some of her photos:
Portia at the front flanked by Leah and Brenda and Lulu Of Sleek Style Agency.
working with Portia last year on a modelling project.