Forget The 300k Tuxedos And 500k Brioni Suits: This Is What Billionaire Chris Kirubi Wore To A Party Last Weekend.

When  you are a billionaire, sartorial elegance (dressing elegantly)  is the least of your worries, you have the stock market and fluctuations in the world economy to worry your head over. But when you are Chris Kirubi and have the most fashionable employees on your payroll, paying attention to dressing details comes in handy. That’s why every month, Chris Kirubi and others of his kind meet at at a posh eatery with Italian tailors who fly in to take measurements for super expensive suits that are made in Milan then flown in a fortnight to the  billionaires 

 On average, Chris Kirubi will be on a suit worth more than 250k , he particularly has a penchant for double-breast pinstripe suits and he does look dapper in them. Today however, it is not his suits we shall be talking about. Last weekend, at the Koroga festival the billionaire wore an  outfit that has been the object of discussion on social media: 

Look at the outfit below: 


Well, it seems that when the billionaire is not in a suit, he is a fashion train wreck. The leather jacket is several sizes bigger as is the creased linen shirt. The cap  on his head is not any better. He looks like a mango on a peach tree, totally out place. 

Sir, fire your stylist. 

About this writer:

T. Magu