Prezzo’s Big Brother Stargame Strategy!

Just what is Prezzo’s endgame?

prezzo tattos

Ever since we here at Ghafla brainstormed and gave you #TeamPrezzo, we have to admit that from time to time his erratic behaviour has had our heads swimming.

One minute, Prezzo is his calm, composed and collected self and the next he’s picking fights with Barbs& DKB. One minute Prezzo is the sober, sombre deep& endearing chap we know, the next, he’s a drunken lout yelling at people incoherently about things of little if any relevance.

Just what is the undisputed King of Bling’s strategy? Where -if indeed there is one- is the method to the madness? Where is the genius in these insane antics? One minute prezzo seems to be incharge and the next he’s giving credence to everything Jaguar says about him.

Well, let’s be cerebral for a minute. What Prezzo has successfully done is to get a whole continent to sit up and take notice of him. His antics have managed to piss off a country: SA but they are talking about the chap aren’t they? Don’t believe me? #TeamPrezzo was recently trending worldwide.

And he has galvanized the whole country into a patriotic frenzy. Sure when he gets back, he’ll receive a couple of 4X5s to the head but for now, even celebrities are firmly in his camp albeit out of patriotism. Even Jaguar is firmly behind the chap. Yesterday Jimmy Gait and Holy Dave endorsed him as Kenya’s representative (in Upville).

Then there is the fact that controversy sells. Remove Prezzo from that house and ratings decline because he is where all the energy is. Granted it isn’t always positive but he has a whole continent talking about him ergo BBA cannot afford to chuck him just yet. They need to milk this Prezzo cow for what it’s worth. Prezzo’s antics might just save him it seems but time will tell.

Also, there is the fact that the chap has been the recipient of massive attention &whether positive or negative is irrelevant. All he &his team have to do is find a way to convert the attention into interest in his music. That would need an astute business acumen like Gaetano Kagwa’s. Gaetano converted all the vitriol people had for him while he a housemate into Tv show hosting gigs, radio stints ad infinitum!

But whether or not Prezzo’s antics will result in a prolonged stay as a housemate remains to be seen. only time will tell.

This is my humble opinion.


Check out the video below.



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)