Bamzigi’s Brother Actor Lenana Kariba Admits He Finds Kalekye Mumo Sexy In The Forest!

In The Forest this week features yet another actor in the industry, that is doing many great things. If you’ve watched Lies that bind, or Saints, you will easily recognize Lenana Kariba.


So last week, they had a very queer moment where Gerald asked Ainea to touch his moobs. You watched it? See that episode full of glitter and confetti here!! This week, they brought a rather ‘tame’ but affable Lenana Kariba.


I’ve met this guy at Alliance in called Zinduka Interactive, a media platform for students by Citizen’s Waihiga Mwaura. Thus I can attest to the fact that Lenana is very personable. And he’s featured in Kenya’s upcoming sex-themed comedy House Of Lungula, read about that here.


Now one thing I did not know is that Lenana is Bamzigi’s younger brother! Wow. He revealed that he does appreciate big ladies, or as he calls them, filled women. Intersting stuff. He went ahead to disprove those rumours that he’s dating Chantelle!


Relax, it’s not Tokelezea’s Chantelle, Lies that Bind’s Chantelle. The strangest part of this interview is that Lenana offers to brush Gerald’s hair twice, elliciting gigles from Gerald. Hmmm. See picture below.


And here’s that infamous brush courtesy of their new sponsor! Clearly they either ran out of tissues, or the old sponsor pulled out!


About this writer:

Kibali Moreithi (Writer)