“The Kenyan President is The Best In The World ..” Uhuru Kenyatta Gets Praise From An Unlikely Source!
“We should stay for one or two more weeks. You think I am joking, aren’t you? I am talking for real; my passport is in the parking there. So Kenya if you want the Morgan’s to stay for one more day, two more days, three more days or four more days, or five more days talk to the President,” [sic] Gramps Morgan told an elated crowd at the Saturday fete that was held at the KICC.
The Kenyan president as Morgan Heritage revealed is very popular in Native Jamaica especially for his youthfulness and liberal ideas on a continent that is reeking with elderly heads of state who still cling to power nevertheless.
“If there’s one leader we salute in Jamaica is Jomo Kenyatta. We salute his son, Uhuru Kenyatta who is the President of the Republic of Kenya,” Peetah Morgan said [sic]
But that was not all, with the praise, Morgan heritage also implored the president on matters governance, telling the president not to give in to skewed advice and to rule justly and not with an iron fist like most leaders in the continent.
The Jamaican sensation also urged the president to grant them free access to Kenya as it was their second home far away from the Caribbean. The Kenyan women were not left behind as well, Peetah Morgan praised the ladies saying: “Kenyan women are one of the most beautiful in the world”- of course they cheered wildly.