Hi,I Am A Man…Obsessed With Skinny Girls… But This Is Why I Cannot Support Njoki Chege’s Mean Attack On Fat Women.

Fat women are fighting a struggle that is more than just physical… They’re also fighting a mental struggle,a social struggle and a spousal struggle and the last thing you should do to such women is to ridicule and attack and jeer at them. God knows they are trying.

I’m still in my 20’s. And I’ve always been attracted to skinny girls…you know,those with blithe bodies and svelte figures and nice rounded boobs and decent ass and a waist that I can actually throw my hand around.

I have been jeered at and made fun of by my male friends countless times over the choice of girls I date. I am,to be very honest,really superficial when it comes to picking out a sex mate. To me,she has to be light-skinned (Please don’t harangue me),super thin,sort of tall and have long hair. I’ve dated dark skin girls too…But they had to be skinny first. And had to have long hair and a desirable height. Oh,and as for me,no ass. I don’t do ass. I know that’s sort of weird but yes,I don’t do ass. Girls with a big butt don’t impress me. They never have.

But again,that’s me.

Still,85% of my friends,if not 90%,prefer thick women. They always have mocked me and called me out for my ‘weird’ tastes in girls. They’ve told me expressly in my face that they would never date the sort of ‘anorexic’ skinny things I walk around with. And I’ve always taken it in my stride. I’ve never felt offended. And never felt the need to justify my attraction towards the skinny girls. I’m just me. And they’re them. No big deal.

But almost all my male pals,who are very active lovers of women,love big girls. Half of the boys in the Ghafla office roll with the big girls.

I have a twin brother,Jim,who,unlike me,prefers big mommas. I’ve seen him date quite a number. And he can never be prouder.

My friends have always asked me, ‘Sasa hutu tusichana tukonde hivo,unatushikanga wapi sasa!? Boss,mwanamke ni nyama. Hii mifupa mifupa ni ya mbwa bana! Kadame hata hakana haga!’

But despite their taunts,my choice has always been… Skinny girl. Thin girl…

And the today I wake up to a skinny woman attacking her fellow women for being fat. And I’m stumped.

I’m 100% sure that Njoki Chege didn’t work to have the body she has. She just has it by nature. She is skinny BECAUSE that’s her physical disposition. She’s skinny because that’s how her body was wired to be. And that’s beyond her. I doubt Njoki has spent years in the gym to have the body she has. And I doubt she has put in any physical effort,including early morning jogs,to have the body she has.

Just like the position of her nose,the size of her ears,the twinkle in her eye and the length of her neck,Njoki inherited the body she boasts of. By nature.


And so,Njoki should be the last person,in fact nobody is justified,to lampoon people on their physical disposition. But for a woman who is primarily focused on shock-jock articles,for her own edification and the popularity of the publication for which she erroneously writes for,I am not surprised.

Njoki,ever the manner less social commentator,took it upon herself to brand fat women ‘Ugly’. Called them ‘Unsexy’,and also decided for them WHY they are fat and publicly assume how they ended up with the extra fat.

I am,again,100% sure that Miss Chege DID NOT consult these fat women she so deliriously describes before doing a piece on them.

According to Njoki,all these fat women are fat because ; they eat too much,don’t exercise,are lazy slobs,are sugar freaks and are uninterested in the gym.

Njoki forgot that women can grow fat because of many reasons which include
. Childbirth
. Genetics
. Stress
And social status.

But Njoki,ever the rubble rouser,decided to ignore all those facts and simply lump all fat women in a huge,ugly basket named : Laziness,lack of exercise,sugary foods and overeating.

Clearly,this skinny Nation employee NEVER did Biology in school because if she did,she’d know that bodies vary from individual to individual and that sometimes,the choice to be either fat or skinny depends on YOUR genes and hereditary dispensation. Not stupid gym workouts or avoidance of food.

Surely,today,like almost every Saturday,stupidity reigned supreme.

Njoki,ever the rash commentator,made it her business to abusively lecture fat women on how to be skinny. Forgetting that NOT all women want to be skinny. Not all men love skinny girls. Not all women can afford the body she’s tauting and still NOT all men cheat on their fat wives.

Instead of conducting a solid survey,like any reputable national journalist would,Njoki relied on her tampons and avaricious desire for infamy to write her tasteless article.

I know FAT women who actually hit the gym hoping to lose the extra weight.

I know FAT women who actually jog every morning from 5.30pm.

I know FAT women who are beautiful and sexy.

I know FAT women who are sincerely comfortable in their skin and love themselves unconditionally.

I know FAT women who are perfect mothers,wives and daughters to people who sincerely love them and appreciate them the way they are.

And I know FAT women who avoid sugars and chocolate and fatty foods.

But according to this skinny ass writer,hired by Nation just to shock and annoy,ALL FAT WOMEN don’t exercise,don’t avoid fatty foods,aren’t beautiful and don’t sincerely love themselves.

She did NOT do a survey on this. She just arrived at it after drowning whatever alcoholic drink she likes.

I don’t do FAT women. I have NEVER dated fat women. But I would NEVER drag them down the trench. And pretend I know their struggles. Because I don’t.

I am skinny myself. And sometimes I fear girls may NOT be attracted to me because of my body frame. And the last thing I need is further attacks. And further jabs at my already hurt feelings…God knows I’ve tired the gym. Tried fatty foods and tried any other body gaining regiment. Still,my body never changes. I am still skinny. And always will be. And I’ve made peace with that.

My sister,the first born in our family,who also has two children,is fat. But I have seen her exercise and avoid foods and even wear a slimming belt all day. Just to cut down her tummy.

I feel like Njoki has insulted my sister for a condition she didn’t chose. And on behalf of her,I apologize to my elder sister.

Nation,Congrats for that shocking insult on authentic African women.

Congrats too,Miss Chege. Your nonsense touched quite a raw nerve…As for your grammar (Or lack thereof) Lord have mercy.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah