PARENTAL ALERT! Now That Schools Have Closed,Here Are The Secret Internet Codes Teenagers Are Using To Send Whatsaap Messages. WATCH OUT!

10 years ago,the mode of communication for most teenagers was the regular high-school letters that would be distributed across schools over the drama and music festivals. If not for that,most teens had to wait till closing day to see their significant others. And still,managing to talk to their friends – and lovers-proved to be tough since they had no phones. Leave alone access to instant messaging apps.

But today,the era of high school letters is still very much on,teenagers have swanked up their game and upped their methods of communication since 90% of them have mobile phones anyway. And not just a mobile phone,but a smart phone that can host a team of apps that don’t just make life easier but,sometimes,also naughty.

After the Government instructed that ALL schools be closed as the Teachers’ strike bit harder,the biggest winners in this whole mess were the students.

Closure of schools is always great news to most students most of whom find classes,assignments,preps and the whole general schooling experience boring and exasperating. They yearn to go home and engage in mischief and catch up with their equally-crazy friends.

And also exchange emojis and texts and sexchats over either Whatsaap or any other messaging apps.

And Kenyan students are truly the best… When it comes to coded communication and cryptic online language.

Acronyms are widely popular across the Internet, especially on social media and texting apps, because, in some cases, they offer a shorthand for communication that is meant to be instant.

So “LMK” — let me know — and “WYCM” — will you call me? — are innocent enough. But not all codes are that harmless.

And as the Teachers are busy haggling over salaries,and the Government is busy devising new ways for frustrate them more,and the Parents are busy trying to watch over their errant teens and keep them in check,these kids are busy exchanging some rather elliptic texts and emojis and codes.


If you grab a teenager’s phone right now,it will be hard to understand what she/he is texting to her friends and opposite sex partners. But don’t worry… We’ve decoded some of these abstruse Internet acronyms for you.

If you think you are tech savvy all because you know what “LOL” means, let me test your coolness.

Any idea what “IWSN” stands for in Internet slang?

It’s a declarative statement meaning, I want sex now. Yes,Yes!

Well,Check them out below. And catch your teen son/daughter at his/er own game.

8 – it means ate,it also refers to oral sex
1337 – Elite -or- leet -or- L337
143 – I love you
182 – I hate you
1174 – Nude club
420 – Marijuana
459 – I love you
ADR – Address
AEAP – As Early As Possible
ALAP – As Late As Possible
ASL – Age/Sex/Location
CD9 – Code 9 – it means parents are around
C-P – Sleepy
F2F – Face-to-Face, a.k.a. face time
GNOC – Get Naked On Cam
GYPO – Get Your Pants Off
HAK – Hugs And Kisses
ILU – I Love You
IWSN – I Want Sex Now
J/O – Jerking Off
KOTL – Kiss On The Lips
KFY -or- K4Y – Kiss For You
KPC – Keeping Parents Clueless
LMIRL – Let’s Meet In Real Life
MOOS – Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOSS – Member(s) Of The Same Sex
MorF – Male or Female
MOS – Mom Over Shoulder
MPFB – My Personal F*** Buddy
NALOPKT – Not A Lot Of People Know That
NIFOC – Nude In Front Of The Computer
NMU – Not Much, You?
P911 – Parent Alert
PAL – Parents Are Listening -or- Peace And Love
PAW – Parents Are Watching
PIR – Parent In Room
POS – Parent Over Shoulder -or- Piece Of Sh**
pron – porn
Q2C – Quick To Cum
RU/18 – Are You Over 18?
RUMORF – Are You Male OR Female?
RUH – Are You Horny?
S2R – Send To Receive
SorG – Straight or Gay
TDTM – Talk Dirty To Me
WTF – What The F***
WUF – Where You From
WYCM – Will You Call Me?
WYRN – What’s Your Real Name?

GNOC – Get naked on camera

53X – Sex

THOT – That hoe over there

SUGARPIC – Suggestive or erotic photo

8 – Oral sex

LH6 – Let’s have sex

WTTP – Want to trade pictures?

GYPO – Get your pants off

MH3Y3– I’m high

AFAIK– As Far As I Know

CWYL– Chat With You Later

LIT– Crazy or full of fun

Well,Now you know. Time to bust these little rascals now,no?

About this writer:

Cabu Gah