The Fame:Cynthia Nyamai Gives Us An Inside Look

Many young people want to be famous and have gone to great leaps for a moment in the spotlight.Dignity has been lost,relationships broken and self esteems destroyed all in the pursuit of fame.

At one point or another we have all entertained the thought of being famous but does the fame live up to our expectation?Is it really worth the trouble?Cynthia Nyamai former TV presenter gives us a refreshingly honest look into the life that many crave for.

This is what Cynthia had to say “Let me be honest.I finished school and went straight to KTN.My life completely changed.Inside,I felt like a normal person .There were a lot of fake friends.People can be soo hurtful.They call and put put you on speaker phone to show people they know you.I have missed having a normal relationship with people who know me just for me.Its very normal.In a day,I get 200 calls,but none is from  friend asking what I am really doing.They all ask for something.Its never about me”

She then continues”People think this is a nice life,but its not.There is no real conversation and no one cares about you”

Cynthia lets us in more about life in the media,her divorce and love in the August Issue of Drum Magazine.

Cynthia with her best newcomer award at the 2011 Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards.


About this writer:

Sue Watiri