Famous American Celeb Becomes The First Ever Female Maasai Warrior! (Photos)
Lately, Kenya has become a preferred gate-away for world-renowned celebs. Mindy Budgor, 32, from California, left her comfortable life behind to live with a Kenyan tribe for three months.
Californian Gucci-wearing fashionista has revealed how she transformed into a real-life ‘Warrior Princess’ after joining the Maasai tribe – by drinking the fresh blood of a goat.
Mindy Budgor became the first woman to become a warrior of the Kenyan tribe by studying ‘the ways of the lion’ until she became like one of them.
Over three months in the wilderness she learned how throw a spear, went without food for days on end and scared off a hyena with her warrior chant. But at all times she did allow herself one luxury that never left her side even when she was in the jungle – her Chanel Red Dragon nail polish.
In her book, called ‘Warrior Princess’, which is out now, Mindy tells how became enchanted with the Maasai on a trip to help build a clinic in the village of Mulot.
Here are her photos among the Maasai;