Citizen TV’s Willis Raburu Recklessy Exposes I.C.C Witness 536 Endangering Her Life And That Of Her Family!
The I.C.C is handling a very sensitive matter close to every Kenyan’s heart: the Post Election Violence. And given the gravity of the matter, they have taken measures to protect the witnesses who are giving testimonies against the president and deputy president of their country Kenya.
Then why would a journalist reveal the identity of one of the witnesses? Why would he try to put her life at risk? And the journalist in question is Willis Raburu. The Citizen TV anchor revealed the identity of witness 536 ergo putting her life and those of her family members potentially in danger.
The Citizen TV news anchor tweeted her identity against all better judgement and everyone in the office is utterly gobsmacked! We have been accused of being “yellow journalists” but even we know better than to post something as sensitive as this, let alone tweet about it.
This is what he tweeted:
Willis Raburu sent the tweet revealing #witness536 at exactly 07:06pm 17/09/2013. You can try arm twist but the fact shall WITHSTAND |
And now all Uncle Chim Tuna can do other than stand mouth agape is say a small prayer for her family and ask Willis Raburu why he felt this would be a good idea. i don’t care whether or not Jackal news said it first, but why would you reveal the witness?