Viral Video: American Man Claims Westgate Attack Was An Elaborate Hoax Perpetrated By Kenyan Photojournalist! (VIDEO)
Sometimes human suffering brings out the best of the human condition. Hope and unity and indeed, even love is brought out and humanity prevails. But there is always a dark side to the human aspect. There is always a hidden facet that attempts to corrupt and corrode the human spirit. and that element of humanity has reared it’s ugly head.
An American citizen by the name Max Malone (which I think might be a “nome de guerre” has surfaced contending that everything Kenyans were subjected to was a hoax. It was apparently an elaborate scheme by Kenyan authorities in collaboration with American and Israeli intelligence -to what ends, I have no idea!
The man cites as his evidence the fact that an African country isn’t capable of such infrastructure and the quality of footage from the siege is too high quality. He also asks how the Reuters photojournalist was able to capture so many images in such a high risk situation. Watch his conspiracy theory below then PLEASE let him have a piece of your mind.
How a man can trivialize the atrocities meted onto our Kenyan brothers and sisters and our friends from the international community like this is beyond me. Let the troll hammers swing!