Young Rich: Introducing The 25 Year Old Billionaire Heshan De Silva! Find Out Why He Tried To Kill Himself!
What does it take to make money? What does it take to make millions? What does it take to make billions? The young enterpreneur on Young Rich knows all about that! At the ripe old age of 25yrs, he is already a billionaire! No, not a millionaire, a billionaire!
And today’s young rich Kenyan is a man who hailed from a wealthy background by Kenyan standards, attending schools such as Banda and Rosslyn Academy and eventually was sent to university in Miami where his life took a dark turn.
Interestingly just like Ghafla’s C.E.O, also had a stint in university that ended in a discontinuation due to alcoholism. And that is the same slippery slope Heshan De Silva found himself on. He became an alcoholic and in his alcohol induced fog, he attempted to take his life but failed.
Watch the rest of his inspirational story here: