Larry Madowo Blasts ‘Internet Hyenas’ That Feasted On Nana Gichuru’s Death

The actress’ tragic death has been hijacked by numerous explanatory hypothesis that have painted the deceased in bad light. Larry Madowo has however surfaced to shush the bandwagon of rumormongers.

The likes of Robert Alai say she lived a reckless life and her death should serve as a lesson to daredevils sailing through the same path she used. Others even claimed it was suicide; conspiracy theorists came up with all sort of hasty explanations to the death of the ‘How To Find A Husband’ actress.

Larry on the other hand had a divergent perspective on the life of Nana Gichuru. The NTV anchor penned a lengthy article on Daily Nation titled ‘Nana’s death and Internet hyenas’ talking about the life of the departed and slamming noisemakers that pointed accusing fingers on the fallen actress.

The columnist doesn’t think Nana lived an irresponsible life like most folks were insinuating on social media.

“I never met her in person, but from the body of work she left behind and her social media, she sure lived well.” Larry wrote in part.

He says blood fetish internet users carefully selected and shared Nana’s pictures and updates that were taken out of context. (The social media was overflowing with captions taken from Nana’s posts which were mostly taking about death.)

“On Facebook threads, clueless tweets and reshared posts on Instagram, commenters mostly agreed she should have been more restrained. Never mind that all that was left of the young lass were carefully selected pretty pictures from exotic locations and updates often taken out of context.” Larry continued with his tirade.

Larry says the internet is filled disillusioned angry people with a crippling inferiority complex who derive pleasure from spewing gibberish on internet’s comment section.

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Martin Oduor

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