Bogonko Bosire Discussed In Parliament During The Media Bill Debate
Bogonko Bosire is yet to be traced but it would seem he has had quite the impact on the blogosphere and that might just be his lasting legacy if today’s occurrences are anything to go by. I was flipping through channels at the office when I came across the Parliamentary proceedings on KBC.
A female MP was discussing the Media Bill and reminding MPs just how important the 4th estate is and telling them that the Draconian laws will ruin Kenya as it will force alot of media houses out of business.
She then asked MPs how they intend to police the internet with all the blogs. Will they also seek to police international blogs and websites that post about Kenya or will they only victimize local blogs?
This was when the honourable Member of Parliament mentioned Bogonko Bosire and said that while some of his posts were hard hitting and contentious, it would be a virtual nightmare to attempt to police the internet.
She argued for self regulation with guidelines so as not to force media houses which employ alot of people out of business.