Battle of Beauty & Brains: Who is Your Preferred Host for “Wedding Show”? (POLL)

Last weekend, the stunning Sarah Hassan took over the steering wheel at Citizen TV’s “Wedding Show” following the departure of Noni Gathoni. Meanwhile, the ‘queen of wedding shows’, Noni, officially joined the NTV, yesterday, in the most spectacular way: limos, wedding gowns and all.

However, it has been a smooth landing for the actress as she’s already faced disparagement from the most unlikely quarters: a KTN presenter. Besides there has been a raging debate on Twitter on who the better host for “Wedding Show” is considering both the ladies possess both beauty and brains.

So we are asking you, the fans, who do you think is the better host for “Wedding Show”?

{acepolls 103}

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)