KBC Can Now Heave a Sigh of Relief

State-run national electronic media broadcasting services provider can now heave a sigh of relief after Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero said that the State Broadcaster may not be auctioned after all.

Dr. Kidero had earlier threatened to drop the auction hammer on the State Broadcaster over a KShs.900 Million debt owed to the County in land rates, after the amnesty period that had been offered to defaulters lapsed.

“We will look at areas of barter in terms of services and areas of barter in terms of facilities and also areas of barter in terms of capital and resources that we hold,” said the Governor.

This deal was reached at yesterday after Dr. Kidero met KBC MD Waithaka Waihenya at City Hall and the two agreed that KBC will seek authority from the Ministry of Communication to liquidate or transfer its assets to the Nairobi County Government.

KBC is among the largest owners of land and assets in Nairobi County, a good number of which lie idle and unproductive.

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)