Ghafla! Exclusive: Caroline Mutoko Rigorously and Selflessly Shields Maina Kageni from Kawira of Papa Shirandula

This morning, I did a post in which Papa Shirandula’s Kawira went in H.A.M. on Classic 105’s Maina Kageni for giving advice to women callers on his show regarding their relationship. However, not everyone seems to share the same sentiments with the chatty actress.

Kiss 100’s Caroline Mutoko has come out guns blazing in defence of Maina declaring, “I will not allow anyone to butcher my colleagues just because they happen to have a well rated show.” The radio queen asked Kawira to stop “painting Maina Kageni as the maker of all things miserable.”

Here’s Caroline’s response to Kawira;

What an Amazing post and without doubt a very, very powerful status update from Kawira. Infact brutally honest – we bow to her wit and sheer insight.
However I will not allow anyone to butcher my colleagues just because they happen to have a well rated show – and hence easy target for all social ills. Let’s get something straight:

Maina has NEVER ever claimed to be a marriage counselor, a shrink, or relationship Guru.
Maina is the host of a show, that allows you to laugh, scream and in the case of some of these women AND MEN – a chance to vent.
Maina and Mwalimu provide a platform.

I understand the need to castigate the people who casually destroy their lives and shred their relationships on national radio; but it is un-necessary to drag Maina into it, to call him names or even claim that he destroys marriages. It is also utter trash to refer to him as clownish. Maina is many things, but clownish is not one of them.
Also – married or not irrelevant. Do his listeners connect with him? Then case closed.

Indeed the issue of Unhappily Ever After must be addressed, but it will not be fixed by trying to paint Maina Kageni as the maker of all things miserable, nor will it be fixed by setting ridiculous standards and making comparisons that those very women can barely relate to. Jada Pinkett? Like for real?
Maina’s show has forced us to re-look, re-think, re-evaluate and even re-consider how we enter relationships and how we make those relationships work.

The Status update is brilliant; however I draw the line at maligning Maina.
If no-one called, Maina wouldn’t have a show. Simple.

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)