Miguna Miguna Springs Back! Wonders whether Lupita will be used to Cleanse ODM
In 2012, after melodramatically falling out with his boss, Raila Odinga, and consequently writing a sensational book, Peeling Back The Mask, that was intended to expose the former PM, Canadian-trained Kenyan barrister and solicitor is back after a staying out of the limelight.
Boisterous Miguna is now writing for The People newspaper.
Miguna Miguna who seems to have been ‘motivated’ by Lupita Nyong’o, today piece together an article in which he loudly wondered whether “Raila will take advantage of Lupita to cleanse ODM ‘Men in Black’ genie”.
He opines;
As Kenyans genuinely celebrate Lupita’s unprecedented achievement and glory, the grand old master of political abracadabra has conveniently “appointed” her father as “ODM’s acting party leader” as he tours the US with “democratically elected former heads of states.”
It’s not inconceivable that the party leader could take advantage of Lupita Nyong’o to shore up his fortunes as he prepares for 2017 presidential run.
For more on what he says, grab your copy of The People newspaper.