This Is Why This Drunk, Armed And Disorderly Administration Police Officer Is The Talk Of The Nation (Photos)

Drunk on duty?? This particular chap was so drunk that his gun was a tad too busy.

Someone photographed a drunk police officer who was overwhelmed by liquor not knowing the photos would go viral and possibly cost him his job.

Anyhow, the cop went to quench his thirst while he was on duty. The poor officer didn’t know the aftermath would be disastrous for him.

He was photographed staggering on a road as he headed back to station. At one point, the law enforcement officer couldn’t manage to walk no more and he ended up falling to the ground.

His gun fell a few meters from him. He must be lucky if someone didn’t steal it from him.

His photos have since gone viral as folks have been sharing them all over.



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere