With All The Hubris About Bleaching, Lupita Nyong’o Makes It To People Magazine’s Most Beautiful List (VIDEO)
Yesterday, there was alot of hullabaloo about whether or not to bleach and I for one came out strongly to say that I do not care. Do whatever makes you feel more beautiful but for heaven’s sake, do not put down someone for being either darkskin or lightskin. That is where I personally catch feelings -and that said, I find darker skin toned Africans more attractive but that is just Uncle Chim Tuna and I will not impose my feelings on the next man.
But on that same breath, allow me to say that it seems that dark complexioned Africans stay winning with Lupita Nyong’o who has been announced as the cover of the next issue of the world’s most beautiful people according to People Magazine. Check out the picture below:
And watch the video of the world’s most beautiful woman below: