The Day Tujuane Had Ghetto Meeting Barbie: What Happens When A Rich Girl Tries Dating “Kijana Wa Mtaa”? (VIDEO)

Tujuane has withstood the test of time to prove that local content is not just viable but profitable for local TV networks. And how was this possible? Well, it is in no mean part due to the fact that they have your everyday Kenyans on the show. And I mean Kenyans from every walk of life, from Kenyans who force the accent to Kenyans who have genuine accents (whatever that means) to Kenyans from villages (plantain boy) to Kenyans from the innercity areas a.k.a ghettoes.

And this time, they paired off a lass from the leafy suburbs of Loresho and a lad from the ghetto who is not ashamed to let Kenya know which area he represents. Check out the date below:








Why do I think it important for Kenyans to watch this video? Well, because it has a lad who is not scared off or bothered by what “she” has. The fact that the lass is well off was not enough to perturb him as he believes that he is absolute. That tuype of self esteem is honestly hard to find. Trust that some will see it as arrogance!

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)