ATTENTION WOMEN: Check Out How Grace Msalame Stays In Shape And Maintains Her Curves Even After Having Twin Daughters! (PHOTO)

Grace Msalame is one of the most beautiful women about and a true testament to the studies that claim that curvy women are more intelligent than… We leave it at that! But one thing I must say is that I have never figured out just how she managed to hold on to her curvacious body even after having two daughters.


Then the answer landed on my laptop screen and I just had to share it with all the women wondering where the hubby’s interest went after you bore him those lovely children (I figure I may aswell be nice about your brats -cos let’s face it, not everyone is going to have angels).

And this is how to salvage your self esteem and marriage:

Hit the gym and unleash that inner sexy in every woman!

But those hips? Na wa for us oh!

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)