This, By Far, is the Most Hilarious Episode of Hapa Kule News (VIDEO)
Hapa Kule News is arguably the best comedy set on news–broadcast work environment. Hosted by comedian Freddie (Fred Omondi) and Abel Mutua (Freddie in Tahidi High), the two offer their commentary on the news of the week using mostly stand-up.
They also use sketches and ‘guest appearances’ from people who have been featured in the media recently.
Well, last week, they decided to do something incredibly creative and totally hilarious. They made conversations from popular Kenyan songs, but for two.
This, to me, is the best I have seen from these guys. Check out;
Don’t forget to catch Hapa Kule News tonight on KTN for your weekly bulletin presented via everyday sheng, parodying the latest in current affairs, bizarre occurrences and lifestyle issues.