CABU GAH DIARIES: Forget The Larry Madowo Debacle,Here Are 10 Of The Most Dramatic Live Television Interviews Ever! Number 2 Is Absolutely Worth The Watch.

Sunday night( Jan.25th) Larry Madowo,the ubiquitous NTV news anchor/reporter and tabloid show host hosted 2 legislators on the 9pm News Briefing to quiz them on issues surrounding a dramatic video of them swearing and cursing and threatening weigh-bridge staff in Gilgil.

 The legislators,as we all know,were the feisty Nandi Hills MP,Alfred Keter and the shadowy URP Nominated Mp,ummm,I deliberately forget her very unmemorable name.

Keter and his female accomplice sat on one side of the desk…. While on the other side,sat a very judgmental and condescending Larry Madowo.

Questions started flying off Madowo’s fiery mouth and even before they were duly answered,yet more questions were thrown around,and more and more and more. And,ummmm,more.

It quickly degenerated into a raucous shouting match. Madowo’s voice being the highest. And Keter and his female associate having trouble even hearing their own selves.

Larry,effectively,turned the interview from what SHOULD have been a civil,TV grilling to a cacophonous yelling and tongue-lash. He treated his HONORABLE guests like little rascals. And incessantly berated them for their supposed crimes.

It was a crappy mess. And a stinking shame of an interview.

I am even surprised they sat through it to the end. In other Worlds,the guest would have walked away 68 seconds into the damn interview. Leaving Larry with so much egg on his face.

And to show You just how patient,even with their swearing and cuss words,Keter and,Yes I remember her name now,Birdi were,Here are 10 of the MOST DRAMATIC LIVE TELEVISION INTERVIEWS EVER.

These guests got raving mad,swore on air,flipped at their hosts,blew up in a blistering rage,started a full physical fight and even walked OUT of the goddam interview!

Larry’s NTV fiasco ain’t even shit…Here’s where it all began,Baby.

1. Number 1 goes to these chaps on an Egyptian TV Channel. One of the chubby fellows on the show gets so irate he threatens to throw a shoe at his opponent. But sensing a shoe isn’t big enough anyway,he decides,Fuck It,I am throwing a damn chair at You! And he did exactly that! And,in no time,it all degenerated into a chair-hurling contest. The female host tried stopping them. It didn’t help. Other TV employees moved in…still,no help. Whoa! Absolutely epic.


2. Number 2 goes to a bunch of MPs from Jordan. One Member of the Jordanian parliament, Mohammed Shawabkeh, stunned his opponent, former lawmaker and political activist Mansour Murad when he PULLED OUT A GUN during a heated argument on live TV.

The incident occurred during a political debate on Jordanian satellite channel Gosat. Shawabkeh justified his actions to Jordanian news agency,Gerasa News,by saying that Murad started attacking members of the Jordanian government, calling them“corrupt parasites.”

The argument got pretty heated when Murad cursed Shawabkeh’s father,which prompted the latter to throw his shoe at him. And it didn’t end there…More things were thrown around. And,finally,a loaded gun was drawn. Ready to shoot!! And the fight was ON! Boom Boom Twaf!!! We’re on TV,Baby!


3. Number 3 goes to a bunch of Lebanese journalists who,after much disagreement over God-knows-what,decided to square it off physically. And square they did. The host tried asking them to shake hands. But it was all in vain. Things got so bad that a full brawl erupted. One of them doused his opponent in cold glass water…On Live Television, Brother! Watch them fight like savages. And Welcome to the jungle!


4. Number 4 goes to yet another bunch of temperamental Pakistani politicians who,after failing to have any sort of agreement on whatever topic they must have been passionately debating over,decided to end the whole thing in style. Al-qaeda style. And,predictably,a fight broke out. It all started with a real,real noisy argument. And then one guy,pissed to death,threw a glass of water at the host! Prompting him to shoot up and go fight him. Long Live Bin Laden!


5. Number 5 goes to an American Republican politician Ron Paul. On an CNN interview with Gloria Borger,who kept pestering him with questions about some racist newsletters which were sent in Paul’s name some 20 years ago,Paul got so pissed off by the Gloria bringing such an oooooooold story up that he not only yanked the mic off him,but also walks away from the studio. Pissed like a Keter at a weighbridge.


6. Number 6 goes to Conservative American TV host Bill O’ Reilly and another American TV personality Geraldo Rivera. Geraldo,a clear Obama fan,was getting pissed off that O’Reilly,a conservative Republican, was disrespectful to Prezzo Barack Obama. Geraldo wanted Obama to be treated with respect. But O’Reilly had other ideas, screaming,”No way! He’s NOT A KING! He has NO majesty!” Well,Geraldo got real mad at O’Reilly. And a very very very heated argument went down.


7. Number 7 goes to British Journalist and former CNN talk show host,Piers Morgan who,after quite a heated debate with a guest over American Gun Control laws,got so friggin mad and pissed off that,for failure to agree with his guest,let his temper get the better of him and ended up throwing his notes towards his guest! Angry as hell! Where is a gun when You need one!!?


8. Number 8 goes to famous American TV staple Whoopi Goldberg and her fellow host Joy Baher. Aaaaaand,Mr. O’Reilly,once again,pops his empty head in this list. Now,Whoopi and Joy had hosted O’Reilly on their show “The View” to quiz him on a couple national issues. Things,however,got nasty when O’Reilly declared that he was opposed to an Islamic institution that Obama was planning to erect in Manhattan,America.

O’Reilly’s reasoning was that Muslims killed over 2,000 Americans in that dastardly 9/11 attack. And therefore deserved NO Islamic institution built for them in America. Well,Joy and Whoopi disagreed with him. And things got so hot that Joy shot up and pranced out of the studio! Live on TV! Whoopi,not to be outdone,did the same! Leaving the LIVE TV audience screaming and shouting and cheering wildly. Quite a watch!


9. Number 9 goes to an American Pornographic Actress(whose probably dead by now) named Seka. Yes,just Seka. What a turn-on! Anyway,now Miss Seka had been invited on TV to talk about,errm,whatever is it she did for a living. Her host,however,was another judgmental piece of crap who wouldn’t let her talk,express herself or even be proud of her trade. He berated her and ridiculed her and disrespected her so much so that,at an opportune time,Seka rose up and angrily stomped away from the studio! Never to look back! Ever! Not unless the director yells “Take 2” …Oh,wait….


10. Aaaaaand finally,to close down our very entertaining list,we bring back the good guys in Egypt. Again. And this time,on MEMRI-TV,A bunch of guests and hosts and whatnot got so enraged by their opposer’s dissenting views that they decided that the only way this whole debate could come to an abrupt close is if violence would be employed. And,quickly,violence was employed. Water bottles were thrown allover the place. And tempers flew like 66 jets on an American Independence parade. You gotta love the sound of a bunch of angry Arabs arguing! Its the romance of the sadists. Pure thrill. Enjoy. And to propmt You,the drama starts at the 4.50 mark.


So,if You thought Larry had acted out of step,or that he had gone too far,and acted too unprofessional, well,these videos are proof that nothing can stop humans from being irredeemably stupid. And angry. And impatient. And hyper-active.

Larry’s was just child play. Egyptians know how to switch on the heat on a TV show!

Long Live Mubarak!!!

About this writer:

Cabu Gah