EXPOSED! Juja MP,Francis Munyua Shockingly Sacks Female Employee Via SMS For Refusing To Be His Mistress. (EVIDENCE)

In the world of money,power and politics,sex comes into play a lot. And in that same world too,men,unlike women,call the shots(pun intended)…And there cannot be more credence to this than in the story You are about to read.

Last weekend(Saturday,21st),vernacular radio channel Inooro FM publicized a study that has exposed a lawmaker’s underbelly. And laid bare his nefarious tactics at employing-and keeping-hapless women in employment.

Juja MP Francis Munyua,a.k.a Wakapee,allegedly,sent an employee of his office packing after she stubbornly REFUSED to yield to his ceaseless sexual demands in order to stay employed.

Narrating her ordeal to an Inooro FM reporter Maina Wa Njure,Susan Wambui explained,in detail, how,for refusing to sleep with Hon. Francis Munyua,she abruptly lost her job.

Susan was employed at the Parliamentary Service Commission’s Juja Offices in 2013 immediately after the Juja MP had been sworn to office.

She,essentially,used to work right in the MP’s offices.

Now,immediately after employment,Susan alleges that the MP started making incessant sexual overtures at her…But Susan,according to her,never yielded or gave in.

This went on for well over an year before the MP,enraged and exasperated, decided to show her the door for failing to let him ‘have her’.
And what better way to sack a stubborn employee than to send her an SMS? Very ingenious.

That’s exactly what the MP did.

On 23rd October 2014,the MP allegedly sent this SMS to Susan…

“Ulikataa nikule hizo vitu na vile nazimezea mate.Now I am employing another person on your behalf. Hii dunia ni nipe nikupe. Ken will give You the other details on how to clear form the office. Goodbye.”

Susan chose not to reply.

And on 31st October 2013,he again,sent this text…

“I can see You supported Kabogo’s brother on that nonsense he posted on Kalimoni Group. (Facebook) I thought of paying you through CDF because I removed(sic) you in TSC through anger. But even CDF You will not get. Nowadays,it’s NIPE NIKUPE My friend…”

And,yet again,embittered, he sent her yet another text…

“The worst mistake can be if you are used by Kabogo fanatics to spoil my name. All secrets from my office should be left there. Or else you will regret…”

Tired of his now interminable text messages,Susan finally decided to reply, saying….

“I like that Sir! As you can see,I’ve not been replying to your messages since the first one. I’d rather be jobless than leave my husband and be your mistress. You own Juja but You don’t own Kenya. The same God who made You an MP without sleeping with anyone is the same one that will bless me. Now do me a favor and leave me alone. Employ the ones who are ready to sleep with you all you want. Mimi hapana. And on Facebook,I have the right to comment whatever I want….”

Speaking in Kikuyu,to Inooro FM’s reporter Maina Wa Njure,Ms. Susan Wambui wondered,

“I had a 5-year contract. I went to the office to follow up on my termination letter but I was told it wasn’t available. I was told PSC have no procedure. Now I want to ask PSC,Is this how you work? Is this what happens? Then girls will always be sexually harassed seeing than an MP has the exclusive rights to hire and fire…..

“What ended my 5 year contract yet I have never resigned or said I do not want to work? I know my rights and I also know that I cannot be sent home for no reason at all…or without committing any misconduct….”

I translated the whole conversation,which was conducted in Kikuyu,for You.

But for those who would like to listen to the AUDIO RECORDING as captured straight from Inooro FM,in a show hosted by Hellen Maina,well,here is the AUDIO.

Listen. And be ready to be outraged. For society. And for Susan.


But really I applaud Susan for being such a lady. And for keeping her marriage vows. In a world as convoluted as the one we are currently in,in a world as debauched as the one we now inhabit,finding a woman of Susan’s disposition is as hard as finding the proverbial needle in that stack of hay.

Well,let’s see where the story goes form here…

We are watching. Keenly. Very keenly.

(Thankyou so much Phellix Key-Yoh for hooking me up with this audio)

About this writer:

Cabu Gah