CABU GAH DIARIES: Here Is Shocking Proof Why I Want The Government To Give My Teenage Daughter Condoms! Not Laptops. (PHOTOS)


The Kenyan Government has already,very sensationally, launched a condoms program,instead of a laptops,for teenagers and lower school pre-teens. And social media has never been more discombobulated.

Scores took to social media,to,as usual,excoriate the Government and more so,the President for having the temerity to sanction a Condoms program for pre-teens and teens. Wondering who,in their right minds,would find it right to equip kids with sexual garments rather than educational materials.

Church buffs,too,poured their two-faced bewilderment and expressed their disgust at the prospect of arming little kids with these almost-taboo equipments. And their argument, as always,has not been more invalid. And out-of-order.

On social media,many lampooned the Government for,instead of providing the kids with the laptops they made such a huge hoopla about during the campaign period,the Government went ahead and not only reneged on that very monumental promise but also,out of the blue,deciding that condoms would be a much better substitute. Well,I agree with the Government.

Why? Because EVERYBODY reading this article right now,and I mean,EVERYBODY,survived school without a laptop. We all survived a laptop-free school system. And we turned out just fine …despite the fact that we lacked that very ‘important’ academic tool-laptop.

We all are now living our dreams,practicing the careers of our dreams,driving big cars and living in palatial apartments… Yet we never had laptops in our classes.

But NOT everyone reading this article right now SURVIVED sexually-related diseases…Not everyone reading this article right now is sexually clean. No.

Many reading this article right now,statistics will prove,do possess a form of a sexual disease. Either HIV/AIDS. Or those other ones.

That shows You that lack of laptops DOES NOT endanger the society. Lack of protection of from fatal sexually-transmitted diseases does.

No one will ever die for lack of a laptop in their classrooms. We all survived a laptop-free childhood. No reason why the current generation cannot either.

But truth is,teenagers are having sex from as early as 10. Or 9.

 It’s actually gotten out of hand. Because,with the advent of the internet,our young ones have known more than we ever did at their age,seen more than we ever did,watched than we ever did and read more than we ever did at their age.

Because of Google,and Whatsapp,and Facebook and Instagram and they very-ready availability of affordable smart phones,our young ones are miles ahead… As far as sexual introduction is concerned.

And to PROVE TO YOU ALL why I think arming our teenagers and pre-teenagers with condoms is the smartest thing this Government had done yet,allow Me to tell You that,for the last 5 Years,I have been touring Kenyan High Schools under a campaign “JITAMBUE JITENGE” teaching them about the dangers of SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS in schools.

I’ve been to the whole of Central Kenya,whole of Eastern Kenya,parts of Rift Valley and even Nairobi. And I ain’t done yet.

And,in all my peregrinations,I encounter horrific stories I never thought existed, I am given shocking stories I never thought I would ever hear,I am told abysmal things I never thought happened and I am narrated to nauseating things I would never be prepared to hear.

And,after every session/lecture,I urge the very affected kids,if they wish to hide their identity,to write short notes to me detailing their deplorable sexual experiences,and promise I will know how to help…

I also ask them to,in case they’re afraid of asking questions in public or meeting me in public,include their phone numbers and I will know how they can be helped in conjunction with their Guidance and Counseling teachers.

And,here,ladies and gentlemen,is a sample of some of the hundreds of short notes high school kids,some of whom are as young as 13 have written to me. I have compiled ALL of these short confessions in two photo albums.

Here is a random sample. Read and learn.


These are shocking confessions of High school girls and boys….These are deep stories of just how young these kids were when they first had sex,these are unbelievable confessions of teenagers having lesbian sex with their own mothers,these are astonishing evidences of boys sleeping with fellow boys from as young as 12.

I had to attach these photos here. I just had to.

I have tried to blur the names of the victims. And blur their phone numbers,too.

You will be shocked. And I hope that,after this,the argument on whether our kids need condoms will END right here and now! IT MUST END!




Well,This is enough proof that We NEED CONDOMS IN OUR SCHOOLS. We need them NOW!!! Still don’t believe me?? Well,keep scrolling. Here are more exclusive confessions.

There is more….Please come with Me……


Sexual corruption is starting right in the family. Right from the parents. And siblings.


Dear Kenyan Government,arm MY daughter with condoms! Please. And spare her the worthless laptop nonsense!

I want a healthy daughter. And a living daughter. Not a convalescent geek with all the knowledge in the World and yet all the viruses in her body.

We must be SMART. Condom smart. Not Laptop smart.

Take it or leave it!










About this writer:

Cabu Gah