The Story Of Meshack, Shadrack And Abednego, Triplets Who Scored Same Grade In The Released 2014 KCSE Results

From the Holy book, the Bible, we all know the story of three courageous gentlemen who refused to kneel before a earthly king and worship him. Instead, they chose to be thrown into a fire furnace than stoop that low. Well, as God lives, Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego survived the furnace as a fourth individual was seen accompanying them in the furnace. Amen?

Kenya too has its Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, who unlike the trio in the Bible have different characteristics that define them.

The Kenyan brothers are triplets, meaning they were born at the same time 19 years ago to pastor Eugene Amoti who is a single mother.

The triplets surprised the country when they scored the same grade in the recently released KCSE results. They scored a B- (minus).


From left: Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego

Their story is a captivating one. Having schooled at Mount Carmel Academy in Kisumu where they almost scored the same marks in their KCPE exams, they joined Kisumu Day High School but were in different streams.

What surprised many, however, is the fact that the three scored the same grade with the difference being in the points. One had 57, another 56 and the other 55 points.

Their mother has been full of joy after her sons made her proud by gaining University entry grades.

However, the triplets say that they will study different courses in university. They want to join Kenyatta university

About this writer:

Edward Chweya