Worst Mistake Ever: National Disaster Management Unit Gives A Disastrous And Reckless Condolence To Families Of The Garissa Victims…


The whole week has been full of mourning in Kenya and beyond after terrorists massacred over 147 innocent Kenyans in Garissa University College.

The families of the victims have finally started retrieving the remains of their loved ones from Chiromo Funeral Parlour where they had been kept for identification.

And as families ferried their kin to their final resting places, the National Disaster Management Unit was at hand to submit its condolences at the Chiromo mortuary yesterday.

However, it turned out to be the worst condolence message ever sent to mourning families, friends and relatives.

The unit issued envelopes with condolence cards in them. However, these cards contained instructions advising the families on how to face terrorists next time they come knocking.

The biggest blunder made was when the unit’s officer reading the instructions made very derogatory and reckless remarks when he told mourners that they should not die like cockroaches.

The officer simply meant that the victims are solely to blame for their deaths because they allowed themselves to die like cockroaches.

Listen to what he said:


Courtesy: NTV

About this writer:

Edward Chweya