NTV Dealt A Major Blow As One Of Its Finest Prime Time News Anchors Sensationally Quits

Barely 5 months after landing her services, NTV is going back to the drawing board to find a replacement for one of its finest talents after the news anchor sensationally quit over the weekend.

Yvonne Maingey was one of the best faces to ever grace our TV screens lately, but it seems her services at NTV are no longer available after the lass sensationally revealed that she is quitting NTV to pursue her PHD studies.

In a twitter post, Yvonne broke the news to many people’s consternation, with her colleagues seemingly looking worried with her untimely and sudden departure.

She was among the fresh group that NTV recruited and her appearance alongside Trevor Ombicha and Gladys Gachanja was highly publicized in a promo ran by NTV for close to a month.


Yvonne proved her worth immediately with her mastery of the Queen’s language and has since established herself as one of the finest news readers of our time.

Kenyans are set to miss not only her smile but also her boldness in front of cameras.

Before joining NTV, Yvonne worked with the UN-Habitat. She is also remembered for her Club Kiboko Show, a children’s programme she hosted at KTN several years ago.

Here is the tweet Yvonne sent:



About this writer:

Edward Chweya