After Ghafla Smoked Him Out For Neglecting His Mother, Willy Paul Attends Groove Nominations With His Real Mother!(photo) #WillyPaulAmerudiKwaMama
It is the first time that the gospel star has gone public with his mother! All thanks to the Ghafla Crew that highlighted the plight of the old woman who had remained hidden as the son paraded another woman while lying to the interwebs about the real mother who was still living in a dingy little room in Mathare 4a where Willy Paul and his siblings had grown up.
Now ya’ll can sit down and thank Ghafla! See, we are not bad after-all right? In an interview with Ghafla a day ago, Salome Radido revealed to the crew that she had never been introduced to the world as Willy Paul’s mother despite having brought up the kid in total penury at the same abode where she is still living in two decades later.
Cornered by the Ghafla crew Willy Paul has come out to save face dramatically by introducing his Mother – We are happy for him, seriously. We compelled him to do what he had been unable to do (out of sheer ignorance) for five years. Indeed, mothers love has no equal.
Here is Willy Paul posing with his mother at the Groove award nomination going down tonight.