Kenyan Youth Vent Their Anger Over Recycled Politicians…This Is The Message They Sent President Uhuru Through Dennis Itumbi


President Uhuru Kenyatta made a raft of appointments yesterday to government parastatals where majority of those he picked are either politicians Kenyans rejected in past elections or their next of kin and close allies. Others include the president’s close confidants like his lawyers.

These appointments have angered the youth in Kenya who have expressed their displeasure at the manner in which the Jubilee government is mishandling them.

The Director of Digital Communication in the office of the president, Dennis Itumbi, tried to explain that parastatal boards are not meant for Kenyan youths but his statement was met with angry responses, with many telling him to give the president a number of things.

Some of the things they sent to the president include:

Fred Kamau The fact that this people were either fired,some have been to court on numerous times on corruption charges,some are beneficiaries of massive corruption and the most common denominator being that they were rejected by the masses but Uhuru went on and and defied the people by bringing them back is a clear indication of how much he disrespects and is out of touch with the young people who dragged their old folks to the polling stations.Dennis if you are keen enough you will realize that majority of those airing their views here voted for him.You may assume that they will rant and forget but I have a feeling that the youth have gained lots of experience on how to use a vote and I know they will give Uhuruto a taste of their own medicine.this is treachery period.We were used and dumped.some of us even hired vans to ferry people to polling stations,We did not ask for anything.All this was for change we believed this 2 represented.We are a patient lot and we shall be waiting for them at the polling stations and it will feel si good to vote them out.

Tony Gathi The old timers had their time when Moi and Kibaki ruled this should be iur time to reap fruits from a young president n deputy. Give the young a chance a chance like the one you Itumbi enjoy. Man when you were campaining for UHURUTO online u made me think we were headed to caanan, then u tell me that those positions dont befit a young mind!?

Hillary Ngash Kamau Listen here Itumbi and listen good, and i hope you do forward this to his excellency. It’s not even about salaries and remunerations, the main bone of contention is that YOUR boss keeps appointing the same old tired individuals. What Kenya needs is FRESH YOUNG AND QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS THAT WILL BRING IN FRESH NEW IDEAS. New brooms sweeps clean. What YOUR boss is currently doing is doing the same old things the same old way and expecting a different outcome! That in itself is pure undiluted madness. I support this government but on this bizarre appointments i’m NOT in support of it. The prez needs to deviate from rewarding cronies and relatives of his inner circle. Bure kabisa. YOUR boss needs to understand fully that he has the goodwill of Kenyans, coast to coast and he doesn’t have to please afew individuals to secure their support in the coming elections. If he continues with the way he’s doing things, he will become un-re-electable before December this year. The youth of this nation are tired. Tired to the core. Today is the tomorrow they promised us yesterday!! Mwambie hivyo.


Hon Simon Mathenge Being a spokesman of this regime, I can only expect you to use only the politically correct language. It would take a very naive person not to know how appointments are done in government & parastatals. Even the positions of ceos that according to your post are/should be reserved for our generation, no ordinary Kenyan no matter his/her qualifications can get those jobs. The positions are about gaining political mileage, rewarding loyalty & strategically placing regime friendly individuals in powerful positions to influence things like tenders, hiring of junior staff etc. Nevertheless, I don’t know why youths are complaining. They need to realize that their importance begins & ends with their votes. Once the election is done, they should let the owners of government do whatever they please. Let the young people join NYS, take 50k loans to start hawking or bodaboda businesses (praying hard kanjos don’t catch up with them) & dig trenches in slum upgradation program or construction sites. That’s where they rightfully belong! Let the youths & youthful realize that being young in itself is not a qualification though old age is itself a quality called experience. With experienced individuals at the top positions, even without any track record of problems they solved or of any meaningful change they brought in the respective positions they served previously, Kenya as a country will be a better place with equal opportunies for all of us – just like it has been in the past!

Catherine Riungu This is political warfare, the country is the loser. Uhuru Kenyatta is thinking 2017, following Raila calls for a fresh election. Okoa Kenya is now in the cemetery as political realignment takes centerstage. Moi style. We are back 20 years. Until we Kenyans come to our senses. Nobody who served in the old regime is fit to run this country. Take this to the bank.

Meshack Korir Lomoywara There is need to come up with a comprehensive strategy on how youth can be incorporated in state appointments. Giving a professional youth to be a part time board member instead of a CEO to me it is not viable. All positions in government should consider youths an example PS positions require one to have 15 years technically locking out the youth. Simple maths a youth is between 18 and 35. 35-15 is 20. How many people start working when they 20 years.

David Omete you are paid to write this….. it had to be all the political losers daughters and sons of powerful people….we do have people with better education and vision to hold those positions it is now clear which position the president takes on CORRUPTION just mere PUBLIC RELATIONS

About this writer:

Edward Chweya