Why President Uhuru’s Plane Risked Being Shot Down In Eritrea Forcing Him To Make A U-Turn And Return Home

It was on Thursday evening when President Uhuru Kenyatta’s military plane made a u-turn on Eritrean airspace and returned home, effectively ending the President trip to the US where he was supposed to attend some conference.

Ghafla Kenya reported that the President’s trip had been cut shot in what was reported as a busy route thanks to the ongoing military action in a volatile Yemen.

However, as events are unfolding, it is reported that someone must have been sleeping on their job, effectively endangering the president’s life.

A local TV station reported that the President’s plane almost got shot down by Eritrean forces for illegally entering its airspace. This clearly tells that the Eritrean government had no clue on the President’s trip, something that should be done early enough before the head of the country jets out.

President Uhuru’s plane was forced to return to Nairobi after entering Eritrea’s airspace from Ethiopia and this angered Eritrea who have a diplomatic row with Ethiopia.

Kenya has no ambassador in Eritrea and this could have jeopardized everything further.

Heads are expected to roll over the bungled trip, with many believing the President’s life was put on danger by some people who slept on their job.

Some argue that it all happened because of a communication breakdown among those responsible for the trip.

About this writer:

Edward Chweya